• About Wearing Masks 戴口罩?

    In general, you wear a surgical mask only if you’re sick. If you’re not sick, there’s no need for a mask, and wearing one doesn’t really prevent a virus from getting into your body. Unless it’s a properly fitted mask, there will be many gaps through which a virus can enter (you breath in much more air at the sides of the mask than through the filter in the centre of the mask). Also, unless you’re covering your eyes, viruses can enter through your eyes as well.

    But, it’s probably a cultural thing about wearing masks. In China, it’s probably useless to tell people not to wear masks, because no one will listen. You can see this on the WHO web-site. They have a COVID-19 page where they put all COVID-19 related information for easy access. On that page, there’s a link to Protect yourself, which has a series of articles, videos, and infographics on how you can protect yourself during this pandemic. One of the pages is When and how to use masks. On that page, there’s a series of 7 infographics relating to masks:

    1. How to put on, use, take off and dispose of a mask
    2. When to use a mask

    What’s interesting is that if you go to the Chinese WHO site, showing the same information, item (2) above, When to use a mask, is missing!

    So I think even the WHO knows it’s useless to give advice on when to wear a mask!

    But, they do have a paragraph, right at top of the infographics page, telling us when we should wear a mask:


    • 如果您身体健康,仅在照顾2019-nCoV疑似感染者时才需要戴口罩。
    • 如果您咳嗽或打喷嚏,应戴口罩。
    • 为有效防护,除了戴口罩外,还需要经常用含酒精成分的免洗洗手液或肥皂和清水洗手。
    • 如果佩戴口罩,必须了解如何使用和适当处置口罩。



  • Coronavirus in Quebec: who to call, where to go and where not to go

    Questions about coronavirus? Useful numbers

    • 1-877-644-4545: government employees can answer your questions regarding coronavirus
    • 514 644-4545: another number to ask questions about coronavirus, but only if you are in Montreal
    • 418 644-4545: call for all coronavirus concerns if you are in the rest of Quebec, outside of the Montreal region
    • 211: call if you need help with finding resources such as food banks, government services, etc…
    • 311: call if you have questions about city services
    • For all other information, the government has set up a tab on their official website Quebec.ca/coronavirus.
    • 514-394-1793: staff from the city of Montreal can answer questions and concerns from small and medium-sized businesses affected by the crisis. They can also help navigate the resources set up by the different levels of government to help local entrepreneurs.

    Complete story here: Coronavirus in Quebec: who to call, where to go and where not to go

  • God Takes Our Worries

    Free Lesson, Student Page, Infographic, and Parent Handout for COVID-19 from David C. Cook Publishing.


  • “Pray then like this” (Matt. 6:9)

    Here’s a prayer from Biblical Training. It’s modelled after the Lord’s Prayer, and it’s for the current pandemic situation.

    In the midst of a world-wide pandemic, do you find it easier or harder to pray? I suspect “easier” in the sense that fear pushes us to pray more often and more fervently. I also suspect “harder” in light of the mounting number of deaths and the minor discomfort of self-quarantine. When I am not sure how to pray, I tend to follow the Lord’s Prayer and fill in the spaces between the lines (so to speak) with the specifics of my life.
    The Path Blog, Pray Then Like This

    Thank you, Father, that we are not alone, that we are part of your community, your family, adopted along with our brothers and sisters. Thank you that you are a father to us, not some dispassionate deity but the perfect Father who is concerned with the details of our lives, even details like finding toilet paper in the midst of a crisis. Unlike our earthly fathers, you are our “heavenly” Father, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who sits in heaven and does all that you please (Ps 115:3). It is to you that we pray.

    In the midst of the Coronavirus, may our faith be strong and our actions resolute, not making you seem small in the eyes of our friends but displaying your holiness to all. May your name — your character — be preached even without words to our neighbors, friends, and co-workers. May we not act like those without hope (Eph 2:12).

    You are king over our lives, and we live in your kingdom on earth. May this time of fear give us opportunities to share with others how we can be concerned but not fearful, and how they too can come into your family and under your kingship. Your family grows in difficult times; may it be so now.

    We confess that we do not always do your will as we should. We do it imperfectly, slowly. Rather, may we be quick to listen and joyfully obey, knowing that someday we too will see the beginning from the end and that all of life will make sense. “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Cor 13:12).

    As the lines in the store lengthen and the shelves empty, we acknowledge that you are the giver of every perfect gift (James 1:17). We ask you, our Father, to provide what we need as you do for the birds of the air (Matt 6:26). Do not let us be like those outside your family who put themselves first and hoard in fear. May we accept what we have and share what we can with others.

    I confess that I have let fear creep into my life. Afraid of sickness. Afraid of death. Of fearing that I can’t be with my son and daughter-in-law at the birth of my first grandchild. But your perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18); help me to live as one who has hope. Help me to hold onto life as on to a thread, willing to let it go if it would advance your kingdom.

    You made this world good, and we can see your goodness in everything we see. And yet our sin and Satan have corrupted so much of your world. Sickness, pain, and death are everywhere because we as a whole have abandoned your ways. Help us to see evil for what it is — a perversion of what you made — and please protect us from the effects of evil, and especially from the Evil One.

    All things are yours. To you belong all power and glory. Until we see you face to face, may your Spirit strengthen us to be faithful children to the world around us, sharing hope and not despair, not living as those who are not your family live, but living as the prized possession of our Heavenly Father who protects us under his wings and will bring us safely to our eternal home. Until then, may we be found faithful (1 Cor 4:2).

    “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Ps 19:14).


  • 约翰一书 2:6


  • The Path to the Cross

    Bible Gateway is offering an online course, The Path to the Cross, entirely free. It’s supposed to have videos every week from 9 March 2020, up to the final Holy Week and Easter on 12 April 2020.

    Signed up, and received the intro materials. But, so far, nothing on the videos yet. There’s also nothing on the web-site other than the intro video.

  • To bring, or not to bring, your original language Bibles to corporate worship

    The question is wheter we should bring our Hebrew and/or Greek Bibles to church during corporate worship. Ran across two articles, one against, one for.

    Read the articles here:

    Don’t Bring Your Greek or Hebrew Bible to Corporate Worship

    Why You Absolutely Must Bring your Hebrew and Greek Bible to Church

    I tend to agree with the latter!

    Update: 09 March 2020. Andrew M. King posted a response to the article here.

  • About work

    歌罗西书 3:23


    启示录 22:3


    哥林多前书 15:58

  • 哥林多前书 4:1
