Category: 信息 News

  • Some changes to the site

    Made some minor changes to the site:

  • 但以理书

    大家好。明天晚上(4月24日)我们开始但以理书。请大家先读一遍(最少读前面几章),只有12章,不会花很多时间。你也可以参考以下几段经文: 历代志下 36:5–8 (2 Chr 36:5–8) 与前面几节 耶利米书 25:1 (Jer 25:1) 与后面几节 列王纪下 25:1 (2 Kgs 25:1) 与后面几节 有一个问题:耶利米书 25:1 (Jer 25:1) 记载尼布甲尼撒的元年是约雅敬第四年,可是但以理 1:1 (Dan 1:1) 记载是约雅敬在位第三年。这个矛盾怎么处理呢? 还有其他的问题或思考话题: 但以理书里面的故事你有听过哪几个? 圣经其他地方有没有像但以理类似的故事? 但以理书里面的预言你有听过哪几个? 这些预言有没有已经应验的?…

  • Online Wedding

    Remember the “Your Most Important Thinking Skill” video? The pastor who did the talk just married their son Capt. Zach and wife Capt. Liliana (both USAF) via Zoom. You can watch the…

  • Free from Credo Courses

    Just got this email from Credo Courses today. They’re offering six free courses. Don’t know how long these will last, so grab them while they’re still free.

  • Pilgrim’s Progress

    View The Pilgrim’s Progress If it asks for email, just enter my email.

  • Your Most Important Thinking Skill

    Here’s a video from, “Your Most Important Thinking Skill.” The video is normally $13, but for the next 30 days, it’s free. Worth checking out. Watch it here ( The law…

  • What’s Wrong with Gospel-Centered Preaching Today?

    Interesting article and book today from 9Marks: What’s Wrong with Gospel-Centered Preaching Today? The book is available online, along with ePub, PDF, and Mobi versions. Well worth a read. Downloads from 9Makrs…

  • About Wearing Masks 戴口罩?

    In general, you wear a surgical mask only if you’re sick. If you’re not sick, there’s no need for a mask, and wearing one doesn’t really prevent a virus from getting into…

  • Coronavirus in Quebec: who to call, where to go and where not to go

    Questions about coronavirus? Useful numbers 1-877-644-4545: government employees can answer your questions regarding coronavirus 514 644-4545: another number to ask questions about coronavirus, but only if you are in Montreal 418 644-4545: call for…

  • God Takes Our Worries

    Free Lesson, Student Page, Infographic, and Parent Handout for COVID-19 from David C. Cook Publishing.