Category: 信息 News
52 Major Stories of the Bible
Biblical Training has this free course: 52 Major Stories of the Bible
“Pray then like this” (Matt. 6:9)
Here’s a prayer from Biblical Training. It’s modelled after the Lord’s Prayer, and it’s for the current pandemic situation. In the midst of a world-wide pandemic, do you find it easier or…
The Path to the Cross
Bible Gateway is offering an online course, The Path to the Cross, entirely free. It’s supposed to have videos every week from 9 March 2020, up to the final Holy Week and…
Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work
Just read this article on the 9Marks web-site. We should really think about this, particularly the first point of making sure everyone can articulate the Gospel. Read the article here.
Video on Passover Sedar
Rose Publishing sent email about a free Passover video, click here to watch it.
The State of the Immigrant Church
Just received this really interesting article from 9Marks on The State of the Immigrant Church. Well worth a read. So we’re not the only church facing such issues. 9Marks actually has lots…
希伯来书之后,我们就查考但以理书吧。但以理书比较短(只有 12 章),可是内容很丰富。有一大半有一点像启示录。
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Radio and TV news have been announcing it all day (which is a good thing). Here’s an interesting article about a WWII British spy who saved…