Sermon 240728

当夸耀主的作为 Boast in the Lord

Remember these points



  1. Title was “God’s Wisdom”
  2. Passage: 1 Cor 1:17–25
  3. Human wisdom and God’s wisdom: Entirely different concepts
  4. Lessons from last time:

  1. Whether or not someone believes in God, it’s up to God’s sovereignty.
  2. Many think the message of the cross is really stupid, it’s not everyone that hears the gospel will believe.
    We can be sure the majority will not believe.
  3. In order to make the gospel message easier for others to accept,
    many people (including churches) made compromises.
  4. If Christianity becomes very popular, we need to check to make sure what’s happening!


Do you know what is a sophist?



Section 1 你们蒙召 Circumstances of your calling 1:26


Section 2 神颠倒的做法 God’s upside down way 1:27–28


  1. What humans consider important, God sees as useless.
  2. What humans see as foolish, God will make good use of it.
  3. This is the God’s salvation plan, a plan that seems completely upside down.
  4. Why do it this way?
    So that we won’t be able to boast!

Section 3 当夸耀主的作为 Boast in the Lord 1:29–31


  1. We can be right with God (because of faith in Jesus Christ). This is God’s grace;
    not because we’re smart, or rich, or powerful, or famous, or…
  2. Any boasting is inappropriate,
    we can only boast in the Lord and what he has done.

Section 4 耶稣基督并他钉十字架 Jesus Christ and him crucified 2:1–2

Section 5 凭藉神的大能 By God’s power 2:3–4


与我有什么关系? So What?

  1. The Corinthian church was finding purpose and value for their lives from the Corinthian cultural narrative.
  2. Many churches today do the same: we import what humans consider wisdom, power, skill, into the church.
    All this is very much against the message of the gospel.
  3. Wisdom = aligning with the things of God.
  4. Paul isn’t against sophistic techniques (or any other human wisdom),
    because he uses many of the same techniques in his letters!
  5. Wisdom isn’t the problem.
    Problem is when we depend on human wisdom to find God,
    or depend on human wisdom and power to do God’s work.