Sermon 240616

磐石出水 Water from the Rock

Remember these points





Section 1 没有水喝 No Water to Drink 17:1–3



  1. If it was you (instead of Moses), what would you do?
  2. We begin to see this people’s rebelliousness,
    to the point when YHWH was so upset that he forbid them to enter the Promised Land (Num 14).
  3. Sometimes we need to confirm God’s wish, so it’s OK to ask or to test things.
    But if such questions or tests are out of unbelieve, then it’s the beginning of rebelliousness.
    E.g., Compare Zechariah and Maria (Luke 1:20, etc.)

Section 2 呼求 Cried Out 17:4

Section 3 击打磐石 Hit the Rock 17:5–6

Section 4 纪念 Remembrance 17:7

Section 5 听起来很熟悉吗?Sounds Familiar?

与我有什么关系? So What?