谁是你的老板?Who’s Your Boss?
出埃及记 Exo 16:27–36
Remember these points
I put these points at the top of my sermon-prep template to remind myself every week:
- Show that main point of passage relates to Jesus and his saving work
- (1 Cor 1:18) A truly gospel-centred message will not be acceptable in a synagogue or mosque
- Did I proclaim the gospel as the headline news of the sermon, rather than as a “by the way…”?
- Unbelievers are called to repent, believe, and be saved
- Believers are encouraged to abandon their old self, renew their minds, put on the new self in Christ
- Preach simple sermons, so that God’s people can see Christ more clearly and love him more dearly


Picture from: https://www.cardiffstudents.com/activities/studentmedia/
What’s happening in the picture?
Final Exam!
Most think it’s the teachers who benefit from exams (they’re the ones who give exams!)
Many students think exams are to make students miserable!
But, in fact, exams benefit the student. Exams motivate the student to learn, to make sure they remember and understand what they were taught.
When the Israelites lacked food or water in the wilderness, they were being tested by YHWH.
YHWH wanted to teach them about the God that rescued them out of Egypt.
They are to learn to put their faith in YHWH, to trust that YHWH will provide.
Same lessons for us, because we’re in the “wilderness,” just like the Israelites.
Click here for passage in English

Passage in English
Click here for passage in Chinese


Section 1 <35–39>

A short review of the previous passage (Exo 16:9–26):
- We need to trust God, that his promises are sufficient for us.
- The grace of God includes the gospel: we need to share the gospel with others.
- God didn’t bring them immediately to the Promised Land, because they need time to know God.
- Same for us. We’re now living in our “wilderness,” waiting to enter God’s kingdom.
Meanwhile, we’re his representatives, telling others about Jesus. - Jesus Christ is the bread of life, do you want this bread?
This is one of the main topics we’ll focus on today.

This slide shows Exo 16:24–25, which we shared on 19 May. It gives the context for today’s passage.

The 7th Day is which day?
Always remember 1st day of week is Sunday.
So 6th day is Friday, 7th day is Saturday, NOT Sunday.
God scolded them for not obeying his commands.
The reason for their disobedience? They don’t trust that God will provide.
Where have we heard a similar rebuke?
In Exo 10:3, “How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me?”
They are being treated like Pharaoh!

- We’re just like Pharaoh, or the Israelites: we refuse to obey God.
- Why are “Christians” unwilling to come to church every Sunday for worship?
- We have more important things to do
- We don’t have to go to church every week
- Sunday is the only day I can relax
- I need to work, to make money
- …
- We’re just like them: when we disobey God’s instructions, we also will come up empty.
Section 2 <40–44>

The Sabbath was given (past tense) to them. We first saw that God rested on the 7th day during Creation.
While they were slaves in Egypt, there was no day of rest.
But now they have a new boss!
When God makes a demand of us, he will also make provisions for us to satisfy his request.

- They didn’t realise that they have a new boss,
they’re still serving Pharaoh! - They rested not because there’s nothing to gather, but because “God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” (Gen 2:3)
- God makes requirements of us,
but he will also make provisions for us to satisfy his requirements. - We just have to trust God.
- Who is your boss? God or Satan?
Section 3 <45–49>

Makes us think of the Promised Land, “flowing with milk and honey.” (Exo 13:5)
We can see the love and patience of God.
They disobeyed, but God still provided for them.
God is teaching them through these tests so that they will know him better.

- God uses these tests to teach the Israelites, allowing them to know God,
to know how to live before God. - The same for us, but we have even greater blessings.
We have the word of God (the Bible),
we have a new master (Lord Jesus),
we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.
Section 4 <50–54>

God wants to save an omer of manna for future generations to see, the ones who didn’t personally experience the manna in the wilderness.
We can see God’s love, grace, and handiwork.

God instructs Moses, Moses Aaron, Aaron carries out the command.
The “testimony”? This is the ark of the covenant.
It won’t be built until about 2 years later.
Note that the jar or manna didn’t spoil, and it lasted throughout the 40 years they were in the wilderness.
Heb 9:4 tells us the jar is a golden jar.
Section 5 <55–59>

They ate manna for 40 years!
The manna stopped when they entered the Promised Land and ate the land’s produce there. Josh 5:12.

- God sees the manna as precious and very important.
He wants them to preserve it for future generations. - In the wilderness (40 years) God provided manna for them.
- Same for us, because we’re living in our “wilderness,”
God will provide for us in the same way,
and this manna is…?
What is the “manna” that God is giving us today?
The word of God! The Bible!
Take a quick look at John 6:30ff

Manna is equated with God’s word.
Jesus quoted this verse when he was tempted in the wilderness by the devil.
We live by God’s word, the Bible.
Israel failed her test in the wilderness. Jesus didn’t!

与我有什么关系? So What?

- We’re now living in the “wilderness,” waiting for the return of Jesus.
- God gave them manna, while we have God’s word (the Bible).
We also have the Lord’s Supper: looking back to remembering the cross, looking forward to Jesus’ return. - So:
- Worship every Sunday is extremely important, it’s not optional
- Baptism is very important, it’s not optional
- The Lord’s Supper is very important, it’s not optional
- Just like Israelites, we should be amazed at God’s love for us, at his patience with us, and at his gift of salvation.