发怨言 (2) Grumblings (2)
出埃及记 Exo 16.1–8
Remember these points
I put these points at the top of my sermon-prep template to remind myself every week:
- Show that main point of passage relates to Jesus and his saving work
- (1 Cor 1:18) A truly gospel-centred message will not be acceptable in a synagogue or mosque
- Did I proclaim the gospel as the headline news of the sermon, rather than as a “by the way…”?
- Unbelievers are called to repent, believe, and be saved
- Believers are encouraged to abandon their old self, renew their minds, put on the new self in Christ
- Preach simple sermons, so that God’s people can see Christ more clearly and love him more dearly



The picture is from a Jewish site, explaining why God gave them manna every day, rather than every week or even every year. Interesting reading!
Click here for English version

English Passage Exo 16:1–8


Section 1 到了旷野 In the Wilderness 16:1

Good times are over!
Elim is the place with 70 palm trees, lots of water. Like paradise in the desert.
Wilderness of Sin. Sin is transliteration of the Hebrew name that sounds very much like “seen.”
“Sin” here has nothing to do with the usual meaning of sin (trespasses) in English.
Section 2 发怨言 Grumbling 16:2–3

The Israelites were grumbling. If it was you, how would you handle their grumbling, how would you react?
How are they accusing God? Like he’s one of the false deities that does whatever such gods do to make human life miserable! This is the reason why people worship false gods: to appease them so that they will treat the people well.
This is NOT the way YHWH works!

- They grumble, but God didn’t get angry.
From this, we can see the patience and love of God. - When someone in our family grumbles against us, or our spiritual brothers and sisters wronged us, how do we react?
- Don’t ever forget that we’re God’s representatives.
Section 3 天上的粮食 Food from Heaven 16:4–5

Psalm 78 describe the Israelites wilderness journey. In Psa 78:25 is the mention of “angelic food.”

Food of angels.
Exo 16:4 “Gather a portion each day.” What does this remind us of?
The Lord’s Prayer! “Give us today our daily bread.” (Matt 6:11)
Test them on what?
Suppose you’re a farmer, would you gather only enough for one day? Why not?
What does this teach us about this test?

What’s so special about the 6th day?
We again see the provisions of God.

- God provided for them,
but they also must learn to follow God’s will and his way of doing things. - God is teaching them how to be his people;
similarly, this story teaches us how to be God’s people. - “I trust God,” but do I follow his commandments and rules?
- Do you trust in God, enough to set aside every Sunday for him?

Example of Trusting God


- Our entertainment, our studies, our work, our business…
Section 4 我们算什么?What Are We? 16:6–7

Emphasies that it’s God who brought them out of Egypt, not Moses nor Aaron.
Notice “evening…”

and now “morning…” What do we think of when we read this?
Remember earlier, they were grumbling against Moses, but God heard it!

“What are we?” Like “Why are y’all grumbling against us?”
Section 5 是向耶和华发的 Grumbling is Against God 16:8

Again, evening/morning.
God sent them food from heaven. What does this remind us of?
Manna foreshadows Jesus Christ, as we read in John 6:31–35.

When they grumble, they’re really grumbling against God.
When we grumble…
与我有什么关系? So What?

- When we grumble against church leaders, we should first think clearly.
Is this grumbling legitimate? Are we just being angry with God…? - We are God’s representatives, ambassadors of his Kingdom.
We must behave like him. We need to have compassion for those who hunger. - God tested Israel, teaching them how they should relate to God.
It’s like their adolescent years, learning to grow up. We also are no in the wilderness… - Their relationship to God is built on faith;
Same for us today, we need to have faith in God. - Jesus Christ is the “bread of life,” do you want this bread?