Sermon 240428

为你们感谢我的神 Thank My God for You

Remember these points



Are You Thankful?



Section 1 为你们感谢我的神 Thank My God for You 1:4


  • Do we give thanks to God?
  • Do we look down on others who don’t have our gifts?
  • Do we envy others for God’s gifts?

Section 2 1.为基督作的见证 Testimony About Christ 1:5–6


  1. God’s grace enables us to be enriched in every way.
  2. We are rich in Jesus Christ;
    Don’t ever forget to give thanks, and never be prideful because of your gift(s).
  3. Their gifts (and ours) confirmed the gospel: Confirmed the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Section 3 主耶稣基督显现 Revealing of Jesus Christ 1:7

Section 4 主耶稣基督的日子 Day of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1:8


  1. We look eagerly to the future, to Christ’s return.
  2. God sustained the Corinthian church (despite all their problems),
    he will also sustain churches today.
  3. Until the return of Christ.

Section 5 神是信实 God is Faithful 1:9


  1. God (Holy Spirit) called us to faith in Christ,
    he will sustain our faith until the end.
  2. We are called to join together with Jesus Christ.
    Our faith is not one where we are alone, as individuals.
    We need to be in a church, with other brothers and sisters.

与我有什么关系? So What?

  1. We need to be thankful: Thank God, thank brothers & sisters.
    Write a little note to say “Thank you…!”
  2. The Corinthian church’s past, present, and future have been confirmed, declared, secured, enriched, and sustained in Christ.
    The same for churches today!
  3. The God who called us to faith by his grace, will empower us to persevere until the end.
    This often comes up with the question of “Am I saved?”
  4. To be in fellowship with our Lord, with each other. Are you willing to pursue that?