Sermon 231217

Title here

Remember these points


  1. Today is third week of Advent, after next Sun will be Christmas.
  2. Seems like a lot of waiting, and why 4 weeks of Advent?
    • Israel waited 400 years to be free of Pharaoh.
    • Since Gen 3:15 (5,000–6,000 years ago), humanity have been waiting for someone who can defeat the serpent.
    • Waiting helps us to be patient, to be faithful. It builds up the anticipation, something good is coming!
    • We have dress rehearsal for Christmas Pageant, this waiting is also a dress rehearsal for Christ’s 2nd coming. We long for that day to be here.
    • We wait on God’s promise, which we know will always be realised.


Look at the 3 pictures. What do you think is the theme or topic?

What do you think is the common theme or topic?



There are 6 sections today instead of the usual 5. Section 1 is about the structure of today’s passage.

Section 1


Can easily see two structures in the passage:

  1. A chiastic structure based on topic (Exo 12:42–51), as in Slide 36.
    Click here for the original drawing in English.
  2. A linear structure with 7 commands (Exo 12:43b–48) that all end in the word “it” (easiest to see it in Hebrew), as in slide 37.
    Click here for the original drawing in English.

In both structures, the centre of the structure is “you shall not break any of its bones” (Exo 12:46b).

Does “no bones broken” sound familiar? Where have we heard it before?

At the crucifixion of Jesus, he was already dead, so no bones were broken (unlike the other two who were crucified with him). See John 19:36:

John 19:36 ESV

For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken.”


1. Today’s passage tells us who can, and who cannot, keep the Passover.
2. How the Passover lamb should be eaten.

Section 2


Slaves that were bought (so belongs to you) and were circumcised can eat it.

Temporary residents are not part of the community, so can’t eat it.

Circumcision is the sign of the covenant (God made this covenant with Abraham back in Gen 17:9–10).

寄居 (Jìjū) is the word meaning “temporary resident,” someone who’s not part of the covenant community.

Funny note about 寄居: The pronunciation is identical to the way you say spider in Cantonese. Every time I read 寄居, spiders pop into my head!

雇工 (Gùgōng) means a hired worker. Again, not part of the covenant community.


  1. Circumcised: They made a covenant with YHWH, they are YHWH’s people, so they can eat Passover.
  2. Uncircumcised: They have no covenant with YHWH, not YHWH’s people, so cannot eat Passover
  3. There’s a clear distinction as to who is or is not part of YHWH’s people.

Section 3


Cannot take the lamb outside the house.

The idea is completeness or perfection. The lamb must be “perfect” to die in the place of the family’s firstborn.

This verse (Exo 12:46b) is taken as the prophecy about Jesus’ crucifixion (John 19:36).

Rather than prophecy, it’s better to say it’s a “type” or “model” of the saviour and of God’s salvation.

The saviour must be perfect in order to die for other people’s sins.

Several Chinese terms that can translate “type” or “model” (this is from Psa 110:4), “after the order of Melchizedek” means “in the manner of Melchizedek” or “as a type of Melchizedek.”

模式 Móshì (CCB); 一系 Yī xì (TCV); 等次 Děng cì (CUV)

Section 4


If you’re NOT of the covenant community, you cannot eat of the lamb.

If you ARE of the covenant community, you MUST participate.

No exceptions.

Like today. We’re part of the new covenant community, the church. We are asked to participate in worship, in sharing the gospel, etc. No exceptions.

We can’t say, “It’s not my problem!” or “I don’t care!”

It’s a like preview.

The lamb died, so the firstborn can live.

Jesus died in our place, so we don’t have to die for our sins.

Section 5


This is from v. 48, “If a stranger should sojourn with you.” The 寄居 (Jìjū) here is not the same word as the earlier one in v. 45.

Here 寄居 (Jìjū) means “foreigner residing among you” or “resident foreigner who lives with you.” It’s like a permanent resident status (永久居民 Yǒngjiǔ jūmín).

It’s not because Hebrews are better, or we Christians are better.

It’s about whether we’re in the community or not.

Resident foreigners are treated with the same rules as someone in the covenant community: i.e., circumcision.

Important thing is whether you’re part of the covenant community.


Section 6

This is good, because they rejected Moses and Aaron when they first told them about getting out of Egypt.

Unfortunately, this obedience won’t last long.

So What?

We who are God’s new covenant community, we also must participate in church.

Same for us: not part of the covenant, cannot participate in Communion.

Is God intolerant?

Used to be that

Same for us: not part of the covenant, cannot participate in Communion.

From Genesis to Revelation. Can you give examples?

Separation is the idea at Creation

Gen 1:4 把光暗分开
Gen 1:6 将水分为上下
Gen 1:9 天下的水要聚在一处,使旱地露出来
Gen 1:11, 12, 21, 24 各从其类
Gen 1:28 要生养众多,遍满地面

The idea at the Exodus

At the covenant at Sinai

At the new covenant with Jesus, all the way to end of Bible in Revelation

There is always separation, always who is part of God’s kingdom, who is not.

“Holy” means separation. So God is “separate.”

The Creator is separate from his creation.

He gave us sinners a way to be with him.

Anyone who wants to, no matter your ethnicity, your past sins, you station in life, anyone can be part of the covenant community.

You just have to believe in God’s Passover lamb: Jesus Christ.