Author: dscloo
哥林多前书 4:1
Feed the sheep
Good article from 9Marks by Tim Counts: Brothers, Preach Your Heart Out — No Matter How Few People Are in the Room “God’s job is to worry about the number of sheep. Your…
路加福音 3:31 以利亚敬是米利亚的儿子;米利亚是买南的儿子;买南是玛达他的儿子;玛达他是拿单的儿子;拿单是大卫的儿子; 所罗门没有在耶稣的家谱里,因为所罗门违背了上帝。耶稣的家谱是跟着大卫王的儿子拿单。
Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work
Just read this article on the 9Marks web-site. We should really think about this, particularly the first point of making sure everyone can articulate the Gospel. Read the article here.
Video on Passover Sedar
Rose Publishing sent email about a free Passover video, click here to watch it.
希伯来书 4:2
罗马书 13:8
Why did Pontius Pilate Allow Jesus to be Crucified?
Image from Wikimedia Commons Interesting article from Bible Study Tools, several useful references as well. Well worth a read.
雅各书 2:8–9
加拉太书 3:28