Sermon 240929

仍在吃婴儿食品 Still on Baby Food

Remember these points




  1. The version we’re reading here is NOT the CUV, it’s the CCV (something like New Chinese Translation).
  2. Best way to read the Bible is to read it in the original languages.
  3. Otherwise, read different translations. Chinese is at a great disadvantage compared to English (very few versions, maybe under 10, compared to at least 50–60 versions in English).
  4. Best not to use translations from individuals, like 吕振中译本. A translation group is often better.
    We can read such translations, but best to use others for Bible study.


How do we understand spiritual and fleshly?

  1. There are two ways to understand this:
    • Different types of food (which is the usual way to understand the terms).
    • Same food, but your perception of them are different.
  2. Paul’s meaning?
    • It’s the perception of the Corinthian church that’s at fault.
    • Using the world’s standards: the gospel is like milk (fit only for babies)
    • Using the spiritual standard of the Bible: the gospel is solid food


  1. Not that bringing in habits or techniques from the world is always bad. Give some examples.
  2. Don’t remain infants in the field of Christian knowledge. Always knowing a bit here, a bit there, knowing only the most general things, but never really understanding the whole picture.
  3. We all want to grow, but where are we seeking this growth?
    The secular world also grows, and many Christians (like the Corinthians)
    look to this secular fleshly way of growth. (PtW)
  4. “Spiritual people are to walk in the Spirit. If they do otherwise,
    they are “worldly” and are called upon to desist.
    For the apostle, remaining worldly is not an option.” (NICNT)
  5. Don’t use the church as another way for you to “advance,” to promote yourself.

Section 2 <40–44>


Section 3 <45–49>


Section 4 <50–54>


Section 5 <55–59>


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