Sermon 240804

指派审判官 Appointing Judges

Remember these points




Three Questions for Today


Section 1 问题 The problem 18:13–16

Section 2 解决方案 The solution 18:17–26


  1. God uses people around us to give us advice,
    we have to be humble enough to accept these advice (of course, we still have to judge if an advice is valid).
  2. Moses needed help, so do we.
  3. Moses didn’t choose from existing elders (or deacons, for that matter), or other leaders.
    The only criteria are: they must be capable men, God-fearing men, men of truth, those who hate bribes.
  4. It’s the same for the church, we also need people to take our place (succession planning!)
    It doesn’t matter if these helpers are elderly, young, men, women…

Section 3 结语 Epilogue 18:27

Section 4 《不好》 “Not good”


  1. The author (we believe it’s Moses) wanted us to think of Gen 2:18.
    • This would mean the lessons from the Genesis passage
      should be similar to the lessons from the Exodus passage.
    • What is this lesson? Let’s look at both passages again (Slide 53 above).

  1. We all need help. It’s not good to be a dictator and have the power all to yourself.
  2. “No matter how great a man is, no matter how he ultimately justifies himself,
    if he holds power and holds it alone, he is faced with the illusion that
    his power, his authority, is greater than it actually is.”

与我有什么关系? So What?