Sermon 250223

你们是神的殿 You Are God’s Temple

Remember these points



Herod’s Temple


与我有什么关系? So What?

  1. A Christian can’t be isolated from the community (the church).
    “I can just worship on my own” is an oxymoron.
  2. When we gather together, God is in our midst:
    • Thus worship in church is a serious matter, we can’t be too casual about it.
    • Serving in the church is just as serious, and we definitely can’t be casual in serving the church (or God).
  3. Outside the church, there are many who would want to destroy it.
    The scariest thing is Christians inside the church, destroying the church from the inside (like the Corinthians are doing).
  4. The church is Jesus Christ’s bride! Be careful how we (as a church) behave, and how we treat the church.